Friday, March 14

Video surveillance for a house DIY: how to do it right

How to Install Home CCTV Cameras & Systems Like a Pro (Do-It-Yourself) -  Reolink Blog

Video surveillance is an ideal option for those who want to reliably protect a house or cottage. Various surveillance systems allow an individual approach to the issue of installation, the process of shooting, and transmitting video for recording. In this article, we will talk about how best to organize video surveillance in a private home DIY, and what to do for this purpose.

Video surveillance control – is the ideal option for those who want to reliably protect your house or cottage

How to organize video surveillance by yourself

Despite the apparent complexity, video surveillance installation is quite simple from a technical point of view. Before you begin the installation, VIRA CCTV experts recommend taking into account the following points:

  • Consider what areas of the house should be put under surveillance. This can be both inside rooms and areas of the surrounding territory: courtyard, entrance, and others.
  • Consider the number of cameras you need and their subsequent placement in and around the house.
  • Decide on the quality of the image. The ability to distinguish details of objects in the frame affect: camera type (analog, AHD, digital) and its shooting resolution, recorder resolution, camera viewing angle, recording speed (frame rate).

    For nighttime recording, it is necessary to select the appropriate CCTV system, the cameras which should have a built-in IR-illumination. And to get a good image in the dark at large distances (more than 20-30 m from the camera) it will be necessary to arrange lighting at the site, activated by, for example, a motion detector.

    Measure distances from the camera installation site to the recording device (recorder). It is important to take into account bends, height differences, etc., as the cable will not be laid in a straight line.

Popular video surveillance systems

The most common video surveillance systems are divided into several types.

    Video surveillance systems with analog or AHD cameras. This is the best option for those who cares and wants to know what is happening at the area of shooting. Image clarity and picture quality of analog or AHD cameras are usually lower than that of digital cameras, but this is compensated by the lower cost (about 2-5 times cheaper).

    The usual owner of a house can install and configure such systems, as the scheme of their construction is very simple and resembles a construction set (cameras – cords – recorder).

    Digital IP and HD-SDI systems. Using well-known manufacturers’ equipment, image quality is better than systems with analog or AHD cameras, but the cost is significantly higher.

    The scheme of building digital HD-SDI systems is simple (the same as analog or AHD) and can be done with your own hands.

    Digital IP systems are used when there is a need to build a complex scalable video surveillance system, often with a complex and ramified communication system. The installation and setup of such systems should be entrusted to professionals.