Wednesday, March 12

Humidity Or Damp Problem: What Are The Causes?

Mold or Mould Stains on Damp Wall and Door behind Cabinet due to condensation caused by lack of ventilation.

It’s always the same thing, like lurking behind the furniture, hidden behind the tapestry; even when you think you’ve dislodged it, the humidity returns with its share of daily hassles! Your clean clothes always have a musty smell: this damp smell permeates everywhere: laundry, furniture, and books.

A house that is too humid is not good. Saturated atmosphere and development of organisms that we would prefer to do without. It’s boring and tiring; no matter how much you clean, these molds always come back at the bottom of the wall, around the window frames, or at the ceiling level where the peeling paint is.

A professional should be called in when humidity problems become too pervasive and can no longer be contained by a simple humidity absorber. Small decryption of the solutions to treat humidity according to the problems encountered!

Identifying the cause of the dampness is the first thing to do. Indeed, you cannot undertake anything without establishing where this persistent humidity comes from. Except in the case of occasional humidity, where it is possible to stop the process, it is necessary to have a humidity diagnosis carried out by a professional to know the origin of the humidity and be able to treat it: In the event of flooding, the question no longer arises, the insurance companies will advise you to call on the services of waterproofing and moisture treatment professionals. We recommend our article on the drying out of a home after a flood. Dehumidification becomes, in these cases, essential.

Generalized Humidity: The Sign Of Capillary Rise

Are your wallpapers peeling off, the paint blistering and flaking off while the wood soaks up and swells, deforming simultaneously? Humidity forms persistent halos, accompanied by mold. Outside, the house’s facade also shows signs of capillary rise, roughcast, or coating that is crumbling and waterlogged; it comes off in patches or white marks adorning the bottom of the walls. It is difficult to say if it is a construction problem (lack of waterproofing at the level of the foundations) or a problem of pipe breakage, crack, or runoff. When the inside and the outside are affected, you may multiply the moisture absorbers; it will not change anything. Only a professional can make a humidity diagnosis (using a humidity mete and laboratory analysis) to determine why your walls are damp and what treatment to put in place against humidity.

Indoor Humidity: Often The Result Of Poor Ventilation

If it is located at the top of the walls, close to the ceiling, it may come from roof infiltration or water damage at the neighbor upstairs. A careful examination of the attic and the roof covering should make it possible to find the source of this localized humidity which can be taken care of by basement waterproofing kent for example. As for multi-story dwellings, quickly contact your neighbor who may not have noticed a leak. Sometimes this one is not visible because not accessible!

If the leak is localized and not present in other parts of the house, it could be a leak or a crack. The search for the source of the humidity must make it possible to combat it.? Poor ventilation and poor aeration are also the causes of stagnation of humidity. Be aware that anti-humidity paints are very effective for indoor humidity.