Friday, March 14

How Can We Gauge Our Fitness Level with Real Estate Agencies

People in Clovis may find it difficult to measure their fitness level if they are just starting a new workout or lifestyle regimen. Each person’s fitness level is different, and may differ based on various factors in the fitness industry. To find out more on how healthy and fit your body is, it’s recommended to assess it directly with a professional fitness trainer.

One of the influential fitness figures in Clovis is Mike Kersten. He is the owner and professional trainer of Clovis Fit Body Bootcamp, one of the huge fitness camps in Clovis region.

Mike has been going forward to a healthy lifestyle for over 6 years, since 2016. Providing group or personal fitness training, one-on-one session and fitness check up for the surrounding Clovis community. For instance; professional, business owner and real estate agencies.

He realized that this profession and work requires a non-stop high physical job every day. He also discovered that most heavy jobs in Clovis are not included with good healthy habits. That’s why Mike wanted to spread the word about fitness and nutrition to the surrounding environment. Especially the profession like Clovis realtor, business owner and real estate agencies. 

Fortunately, he met with Linda Peltz as Clovis realtor representative in a live youtube discussion. They speak about the importance of fitness to daily workers’ lives and realtor to homes for sale transactions. Further, how a nutrition plan could lead to a happier life and so on.

Get the landscape of fitness and nutritions to our life in a fun and simple explanation by Mike Kersten in the video below. Further, discover how business professionals could develop a great habit and benefit from this lifestyle.

Real Estate Agencies: Step to Healthy Lifestyle

Being healthy is free. You can do a 15-30 minutes walk everyday and have the changes in your life with it, even without spending any penny. But what is priceless, is the commitment and loyalty towards that habit.

Moreover, these commitments could be a great lifestyle to us; to keep our life balanced and scheduled. Further, you could save more money from treats and extra snacking, expensive dining, and many more. 

Keep in mind that these lifestyles will be more rewarding for our lifestyle, health and money compared to the sacrifice we had to make. Study and research confirms that a person living with a healthy lifestyle keen be more happier than the ones who don’t. So, the Clovis community and Clovis realtor has no reason to refuse these kind of habit.

Health Commitment Leads to Successful Life

Being a successful person doesn’t always mean they live a healthy lifestyle. Their successful business and win in life need to align with a nutrition habit and lifestyle. The reason is that every business man or even real estate agencies need a strong foundation during homes for sale activities. A foundation of fitness and health will solely determine their condition towards everything that come after them

We have heard cases of young billionaires who suffered through their health conditions. Most of them even result in tragic news. This may be caused by the lack of health and lifestyle awareness. These good habits towards fitness need to start from now to make every person, group and Clovis realtor balance.

In terms of real estate agencies, getting a great body shape is like maintaining your credit score. It is widely known that credit score is important while applying for a homes for sale to Clovis realtor or real estate agencies. 

That being said, you need to consider every financial aspect to your current situation, and make sure your decision will not bring a burden for a long period of time.

Mike Kersten 


Realtor Linda Peltz
