Some websites, like the one I linked to, refer to them as “water softener no-salt,” but that’s a stretch. We think of softening as eliminating hardness from water, but in a no-salt water conditioner, you don’t take anything from the water; the water going in and out has the same hardness. The only difference is that the water itself is treated to prevent scale formation.
Template Assisted Crystallization is how it works, at least in the most frequent kind that appears to function the best (TAC). That is to say, there is a template and a type of structure, and when the minerals in the water collide with it, a sort of crystal develops. They’re nano-sized crystals that float around in the water and are completely safe.
You’re generating calcite crystals, which can’t form scale. They don’t create that hard scale that requires the use of strong acid, special cleaning, or rubbing with a pumice stone to remove. It’s gentle on the interior of pipes, especially water heating pipes. Especially when the water is hot. So the scale stopper conditioners (that’s our brand name) have nuclearization sides in them, and the mineral particles bind themselves to these beads, which is where the crystallization process takes place. The minerals are released into the water after they have crystallized. As the water goes through this device, all of these things happen fast and instantaneously.
Also, they resemble a water softener in appearance. As the water enters the home, it goes via this tank, which supplies the water heater as well as cold water. It has been carefully tested and argued before. For one thing, you can’t test to see if water softeners are working. Testing before and after acceptance is not possible. A no-salt water conditioner cannot be tested with a simple test kit, thus it’s a contentious topic. However, after selling them for several years and experimenting with various brands and varieties, we are quite cautious about how we market and sell them. People who get them, on the other hand, are quite pleased with them, and the reason for this is because they are not seeking soft water. They may not desire soft water and are unconcerned with the stains on their shower doors.
They want to avoid hard water scale damaging the water heater, especially on-demand water heaters, as well as harming the washing machine and dishwasher. The DDGW, German research or procedure, is one of the tests that these no-salt water conditioners have undergone. I won’t try to explain what the DDGW stands for, but it’s the German Society of Gas and Water Specialists or German Society of Gas and Water. It’s a W512, which is the testing standard.