Saturday, December 21

Day: December 22, 2022

4 Reasons for Building and Roof Waterproofing Failure

Waterproofing failure can be due to a variety of factors. Here are common reasons to check your building and roof for signs of waterproofing failure and repair jobs.  #1 Higher Level Issues Rainwater pools on the roof might cause waterproofing issues on higher floor levels. Waterproofing failure can also be due to poor craftsmanship by waterproofing and other contractors in Singapore. #2 Poor Waterproofing Work Poor handiwork also includes wrong product specifications. Insufficient substrate preparation can happen before applying the waterproofing membrane. Poor waterproofing work can result in various damages, like roof and wall leakage, which are costly to repair. #3 Poor Maintenance Ongoing maintenance in the form of checks and remedial waterproofing enables you to catch problems ...