Are Earwigs Harmful for Human Health?
An earwig is an elongated insect with a pair of terminal appendages resembling pincers. Earwigs have a terrible reputation as people consider them to travel up to their ears and harm them. However, the less known fact about earwigs is that they are harmless; their pincers do not contain venom, so they are not poisonous.
Some people have misconceptions regarding earwigs; they believe that earwigs sting through their pincers. But one should understand that a stinger is different from a pincer. A stinging insect uses a stinger to penetrate the skin and cause infection. At the same time, earwigs do neither have a stinger nor possess venom or poison sac.
If you ever see an earwig in your house, do not worry. Earwigs are calm species, but they can pinch using pincers when provoked. The p...